During the school year, Finish Strong provides tutoring, computer and technological support, snacks, and activities including non-contact boxing, basketball, arts and crafts and other engaging activites Tuesday through Friday from 3 PM to 6 PM.
High levels of wellbeing in young people can help them master adversity and act as a protective factor against some of the challenges that often arise during these years. Studies show that young people with higher wellbeing can manage their emotions and behaviors have higher levels of physical and mental health, enjoy positive relationships, apply themselves at school and work, participate in activities that interest them, and have optimism about the future
Non-Contact Boxing
Non-contact boxing is an effective and fun way to help young people gain confidence and break down barriers allowing for honest communication. As youth focus on physical activity, such as hitting a punching bag, they relax, drop their guard and open up. Exercise clears the mind and creates a positive learning state. Creating a welcoming environment for open discussion, social- emotional skill building, and relationship development.
Exercise changed brain chemistry which reduces stress, anxiety and depression. Our non-contact boxing sessions have proven to be effective at helping youth identify, process and manage their emotions by providing a physical release in safe, controlled environment. Non-contact boxing sessions also teach young people important skills they can use outside of the ring, such as the importance of persevernece, discipline, self-respect and finishing strong.
Not Just Non-Contact Boxing!
Not into non-contact boxing? No problem!
Finish Strong has something for everyone, including after-school tutoring, technology access and skill building, basketball, arts and crafts, photograhpy and film, summer camp, field trips and more!
In April 2022, Finish Strong moved to a larger space in the Family Partnership Center, allowing us to expand our program hours and services. This Summer, Finish Strong provided 5 weeks of camp from 10am to 3am, with 35 youth attending each camp session. We finished our summer camp with a group trip to Splash Down Water Park.
Our Commitment to Trauma Informed Care
Finish Strong is committed to providing trauma-informed care that recognizes and responds to the signs, symptoms, and risks of trauma to better support the physical, mental, emotional and relational needs of young people who have experienced ACEs and toxic stress. Adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhoos (0-17 years). ACEs can have lasting, negative effects on health, well-being, and opportunity. As part of our commitment to trauma-informed care, Finish Strong is dedicated to addressing and preventing ACEs in youth people. Finish Strong's program incorporates evidence based prevention strategies such as:
- Developing self-regulation skills to prevent problematic behavior
- Developing social-emotional learning skills
- Role modeling and teaching healthy relationship skills
- Connecting youth to caring adults through mentoring and programming
- Connecting young people to need services such as primary care and substance abuse treatment
- Raising awareness and reducing stigma by providing education to teh community
- Promoting social norms that protect against violence and adversity
Trauma intersects in many different ways with culture, history and race. Finish Strong acknowledges the compounding impact of structural inequity and is responsive to the unique needs of diverse communities. Cultural awareness, responsiveness, and understanding are essential to increasing access and improving the standard of care for traumatized young persons, families, and communities. Finish Strong is committed to eliminating disparities in trauma services, reducing barriers, overcoming stigma, addressing social adversities, strengthening families, and encouraging positive ethnic identity.
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